Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Update on all things Knox ;-)

Let me just start by saying WOW! God is amazing!!! So much has happened since my last blog post. We have been so incredibly busy, that I haven’t had the time to really sit down and write an update. So, here goes!

After 4 years of working super hard, my Husband finally got a permanent position with the company he works for! This is such a huge blessing for us for many reasons. He will finally have paid holidays, benefits and much less of a worry of a layoff looming over our heads. The next amazing thing that happened was we finally received our foster license! We were unsure whether or not we were going to move closer to Hubby’s job in San Francisco (way too expensive, go figure!) so once we decided to stay put, we were able to make ourselves “available” for foster care. After 9 months or preparation and anticipation, we received our first foster baby girl on November 10th. She was only 2 days old when we picked her up, and a little over a week later, we are in baby heaven! Caring for this sweet angel has been one of the biggest highlights of our lives. There is a good chance for adoption, but there are no guarantees. Though we hope and pray that we get to keep her, it is not up to us. We have to trust that God has a plan, and He knows best. In the mean time, we are soaking in every second as if she were our own, and if we have to lose her we will just deal with our broken hearts at that point. One thing is for sure; God is so good! Any time we have with her is more of a blessing than we could have ever imagined! She is an angel!

It was just 2 months ago that my beautiful sister Kristi set up our GoFundMe page (http://www.gofundme.com/JourneytoBabyKnox) to raise money for an IVF. In just 2 months, we reached 56% of our goal! Absolutely astounding!!!! Well, I am VERY excited to report that we are now FULLY FUNDED!!!!!!!! Though our fundraising page still says 56%, my Dad made an extremely generous donation directly to us for the remainder of what we needed to start our IVF! Amazing!!! I think we are still in shock at the kindness and extreme generosity of everyone. To see that so many people care about our struggles, and us has helped us to feel that we are not in this journey alone. To everyone that rallied behind us to make this happen, we wish we could hug every single one of you! With every donation, big and small, YOU have been a part of making our dreams come true! For every person that has encouraged us, prayed for us, shared our page, commented with well wishes…we are forever thankful for you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

I can’t even begin to tell you how incredibly full our hearts are right now. So many amazing things that we have spent years waiting for are finally coming to pass. Every bit of glory goes to our mighty Father in heaven! I hesitated so much to open up about our journey to baby Knox, but I feel that it was all a part of God’s plan. How cool is it that so many people have been a part in watching our little miracle unfold?! And how amazing is it that God is using our journey for a purpose?! Words cannot even begin to describe how thankful, amazed, humbled and in awe we are of all that is unfolding! God is so good! 

Now, when do we start our IVF? In January! I can’t even believe that I am writing this! Yes, we finally have a chance to do IVF! Though we are aware that it isn’t a guaranteed outcome, we are so thankful to have this chance! We are going into this with positivity and thankfulness. We plan on enjoying the next part of our journey. I will be documenting our journey here, so stay tuned. There are many, many appointments, ultrasounds, injections, and more ahead! Though we don’t expect these next steps to be easy (trust me, IVF is no joke!), we are excited to see what God has in store for us. Who knows, maybe we will have the chance to adopt this little angel and have a successful IVF! As my favorite song by Steven Curtis Chapman says, “This is going to be a glorious unfolding…just you wait and see and you will be amazed.” God, we are absolutely amazed!

Though we have the full amount now for the IVF, we may still need to come up with another $1,200 or so for the rest of the meds. I believe that God will provide. He has brought us this far! I have been asked what we are in need right now and my answer is prayers. Prayers are very much needed and appreciated as we embark on these next few months ahead. Though they will be very exciting, there will be some challenges. I pray that my body will cooperate with this process, and that I can keep up with all we have going on. I hope and pray that I will be able to take care of myself during this time while continuing to be doting wife and care for the sweet little angel that we have been blessed with for the time being. I plan on enjoying every moment of the most amazing “job” that God could have ever blessed me with! I just want to do my best with each and every part of it!

Again, thank you all for your love, kindness and support! We are truly blessed to have such amazing people in our lives. J Our hearts are so thankful. Stay tuned for our IVF journey, coming January 2015!!!

All our love,

Juliana & Michael Knox